Midnight protocol vault
Midnight protocol vault

This way, you can set the drone in one spot, leave the drone view, prepare for an ambush, activate the EMP, and push immediately. You can activate EMP from where you last left the drone, even when you are not in drone view.If an enemy is highlighted in orange, you know they'll be caught in the blast. The radius of Drone EMP is the same as Neurolink's tracking radius.

midnight protocol vault

  • Being knocked while drone is active will immediately recall drone (knocked while using EMP will cancel and consume the charge).
  • There is a small window of actionable time between throwing out the drone and entering it when holding the ability button down, during which items can be used and will complete while piloting the drone.
  • The map in the drone view is incorrect.
  • If all three charges are bought and the drone is destroyed, only one charge will be left.
  • In Arenas, one charge is used when the drone is deployed and another is used when it is destroyed.
  • Attempting to deploy the drone while crouching too close to a wall or cover can cause it to become stuck.
  • The drone cannot fit through certain windows.
  • Sometimes when the drone is hacking a Survey Beacon, the next ring is not revealed on the map unless you hack the beacon when facing its front, despite the hacking sound effect playing.
  • This doesn't include weapons that can one-shot it.
  • The Surveillance Drone can sometimes take more shots to destroy than intended despite only having 50 health.
  • Carrying Mobile Respawn Beacons in your survival slot is naturally more valuable for Crypto. Try to fly the drone in from a different direction rather than directly from yourself to reduce the likelihood of being caught doing this.
  • If your squadmates have died, you can use the drone to safely retrieve your squadmates' banners.
  • midnight protocol vault

    Because enemy drones appear with an orange aura, flying it outside The Ring will cause it to visually blend in with the orange ring effect and its partial opacity, making it harder for enemies to spot.You can use the drone as a decoy to distract enemies while your squad is either flanking or escaping.The 200-meter squad detection radius is approximately the same size as your minimap.Communicate this information to your squad often to make decisions about when/where to move, which fights to take, and avoid being caught by surprise third parties after winning a fight. The drone's ability to see the number of nearby enemy squads is very powerful information.Remember to manually ping the enemies you see that the drone doesn't automatically detect. Although your squad can see the drone's automatic Neurolink pings, the range is very limited.You can slide into cover and/or save time this way when moving into new areas via downward slopes. Deploying the drone while sliding allows Crypto to keep sliding while the drone deploys.You can crouch while entering drone view to force Crypto to stay in this stance while using it, making it easier to hide him. Find a safe place to stay while operating the Surveillance Drone. Crypto is completely vulnerable while in drone view.The audio range from the drone is as follows:.Reloads take the same amount of time as they would normally. While in drone view, weapons automatically reload, starting with the currently equipped weapon.Crypto can warn teammates about the number of nearby squads by pinging these banners while in drone view.Champion Banners seen through the drone's vision will show the number of enemy squads within a 200-meter radius of Crypto (not the drone).

    midnight protocol vault

    The drone can ping items as long as they are within 12 meters.If you have Vault Key in your inventory.The drone can be used to open doors/ Supply Bins/ Care Packages, pick up squadmates' banner cards, and use both Survey Beacons and Respawn Beacons instantly.The drone has 50 health, which gets recovered when recalled.The drone can, however, be recalled without interruption while shooting, healing, while knocked down, or executing other actions. Crypto can recall the drone at any time, EXCEPT when reviving a teammate who is down, as this will interrupt the revive on the downed teammate.Taking damage while in drone view will force Crypto out of it. Crypto is left stationary while piloting the drone.When not being piloted manually, the drone is left parked in midair.Hold ADS to conduct level flight while looking around.If the drone is 240+ meters away from Crypto, it will automatically be recalled. The drone can be deployed and flown up to 200 meters away from Crypto.If the drone is thrown at a wall, it will turn around.Holding the tactical button will cause Crypto to go into drone view immediately.

    midnight protocol vault

  • Pressing the tactical button will launch the drone from Crypto ~25 m.

  • Midnight protocol vault