for victory is finally achieved only when the minds of the opponents are vanquished. In the end, the Ottomans retreat, and Albania is safe until the next invasion.and the next. There are spies on both sides the reward for failure is imprisonment or death (even cannon that don’t fire straight are ‘fustigated,’ life is cheap, and God help any female Albanians taken prisoner – they don’t last even an evening in the hands of their sex hungry enemy obsessed with blond women’s pubic hair. In a nutshell, an Albanian fortress is besieged by an invading Ottoman army, but prevails despite everything that is thrown at it – from ladders, to death squads, to tunnelling, to cannon, to shutting off aquifers, to cutting off food supplies, to throwing poisoned vermin over its walls. It is also a metaphor for Albania during its Communist rule in the 20th century, for although the invading Ottoman empire circa 1474 is portrayed as the bad guy, the implication and insinuation is that this totalitarian empire is a reflection of later day Albania itself. In a nutshell, an Albanian fortress is besieged by an invading Ot The author claims that this is not a historical novel, and yet the story is set in the mid 15th century and is a primer on the methods of warfare used at the time.

The author claims that this is not a historical novel, and yet the story is set in the mid 15th century and is a primer on the methods of warfare used at the time. La novela puede verse, a la vez, como reflejo metafórico de lo que fue Albania durante la Guerra Fría: un territorio aislado cuyo particular régimen comunista se sentía cercado tanto por las potencias occidentales como por sus correligionarios vecinos del Este.more En El cerco Ismaíl Kadaré recrea con singulares fuerza y viveza los meses angustiosos y terribles en que la gente de Albania, al mando del príncipe Jorge Castriota –el mítico Scanderberg– y tras negarse a someterse al imperio otomano, afrontó el embate de su poderoso ejército, así como los cruentos combates librados entre ambos bandos: el comienzo de las guerras balcánicas En El cerco Ismaíl Kadaré recrea con singulares fuerza y viveza los meses angustiosos y terribles en que la gente de Albania, al mando del príncipe Jorge Castriota –el mítico Scanderberg– y tras negarse a someterse al imperio otomano, afrontó el embate de su poderoso ejército, así como los cruentos combates librados entre ambos bandos: el comienzo de las guerras balcánicas que, con el peso de la religión de fondo, han llegado hasta nuestros días.