Again, the PS2 build of the game's controls are decidedly easier. "Also worth a quick mention are how the motion controls work in Okami's more basic functions, like melee combat. Where Okami's controls on the PS2 only worked to build a wall between players and the game, the Wii controls actually break the wall down." Creating brush strokes with your arm and seeing the 1:1 results on-screen builds a real feeling of connection between the existence of the player on one side of the screen, and the game world on the other. That is why this Wii port of Okami was necessary. In the end, though, a game's controls are not about how easy they are or fast they are, but about how well they immerse and engage the player. Again, just like in real-life painting or drawing. Actually, the slower your brush strokes in Okami on the Wii, the more likely you are to mess up with a shaky, squiggly line. Those with skills will be whipping out brush techniques with lightning speed, far faster than possible on the PS2. On the Wii build, the brush moves as fast as your hand moves. The brush on the PS2 build of the game would only move at a specific, predetermined speed. This actually causes the game to move much faster on the Wii than on the PS2. Once you develop the skill (and the muscle memory) to effectively make a straight line in the Wii edition of Okami, it becomes second nature. It's because painting a straight line in real life is quite hard. This isn't due to the controls being poorly implemented. On the Wii, you will screw up your brush techniques for the first few hours you play because (gasp) the game actually requires some skill. In this way, Okami's PS2 controls were the equivalent to the auto-aiming found in Resident Evil 2 dummy-proof, but stagnant, with no capacity to provide a sense of mastery or skill building. Drawing a perfect line in Okami with the analog stick was a simple as pressing the stick in the desired direction. While the PS2 brush controls were sluggish and distancing, they were incredibly easy to perform. The difference between this build of the game and the PS2 original is enormous.

"This brings us to the Wii port of Okami. Now I know your dying to know what they said about the controls and if you analyze it closely it's actually true.

I think destructoid's Review is the best I read about Okami: The Review